Work and Worship: Porter's Gate Project

The purpose of my Everyday Disciple series is to draw our attention to opportunities for discipleship and mission in everyday life. My heart's desire is to see the Church living into a lively vision of our call as disciples of Christ, to see how each part of life is under His Hand, His Lordship, His sanctifying Power. The whole of our lives is touched by His call to "come follow Me."

When I see others engaging this same vision, I get excited. That is why, this week, I've decided to take a break from our Everyday Disciple stories in order to share a related project.  

Last June, a diverse group of worship leaders gathered for the first collaboration of the Porter's Gate Worship Project. They discussed ways worship can engage culture, particularly how worship relates to work - and work to worship. 

The fruit of this gathering is the Porter's Gate Worship Project: Work Songs. It's a beautiful collection of new worship songs written to speak to the reality of the work and vocations in which we find ourselves outside of a designated Sunday "worship time." It's a powerful project. And it's a delight to listen to and worship with. 

There are several gems on this album, but my favorite thus far is "Your Labor Is Not In Vain":  

Your labor is not unknown
Though the rocks they cry out and the sea it may groan
The place of your toil may not seem like a home
But Your labor is not unknown

The houses you labored to build
Will finally with laughter and joy be filled
The serpent that hurts and destroys will be killed
And all that is broken be healed

I am with you, I am with you
I am with you, I am with you
For I have called you, called you by name
Your labor is not in vain

There's such hope here in the promise that the seeds we plant are not in vain, that our toil is not without fruit.

How would our lives, our worship, our work, and our churches be affected if we sang songs like this regularly?

I'd encourage you to take a look at Porter's Gate. You can find out more on their website and in the video below. You can find the album through their website and on iTunes

Everyday Disciple: Sarah's Story

This post is part of an on-going Everyday Disciple series. We're celebrating here what it looks like to follow Christ faithfully in the day-to-day. I am thankful to share the stories of gracious friends and readers, and I have sought to preserve and honor their voice in the post below. I invite you to join me as we listen to their experience as an "everyday disciple."

Sarah is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Our friendship started in our days together in our high school’s field marching band, and it’s matured and stretched with time and distance. We’ve had our fair share of heart-to-heart phone calls while folding laundry. And ice cream. Lots of ice cream. 

Sarah is passionate about her job in education, and it's my delight to share her thoughts with you.

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I am the Director of Early Education at Manhattan Christian Academy in New York City.  I oversee the Early Ed department (programming, supervising teachers, etc.) within our preschool – 8th grade private Christian school.

My school is in a neighborhood of low socioeconomic status, with many immigrant families who are either unable to engage or unaware of the ways to advocate for their children. Some families do not know about our school, and many that do know about us assume they could never afford a private Christian education. But the school is very mission-minded; we strive to provide a godly, quality, affordable education for all families. As our school continues to grow, I see God’s mission being fulfilled, one family at a time, as He works to restores brokenness and flood dark places with His light.

Prior to this job, I worked as a teacher for a public school. I thought I would be a classroom teacher for years until I retired, but God obviously had something else in mind for me. When I transitioned to this school and this job, I wasn’t quite sure why God was leading me here, but I was certain He was doing just that. 

Now, two years in, I realize I have a more far-reaching influence as an administrator than I ever had as a teacher. I very much feel I’m still growing into my role, but it has truly been a blessing. 

In my previous job, I was the only Christian in my school, and unfortunately instead of “shining my light,” I allowed myself to be overcome by the world in my words and actions. I followed the example of those around me instead of seeking to emulate Christ to my non-believing coworkers. 

Now, being in a Christian environment has pushed me to immerse myself in God’s Word (since I’m teaching it to children) and to monitor my words and actions from a gospel lens (since I have true accountability and community). 

I will never forget the first time I met with a teacher and ended the meeting in prayer. I had seen my principal do this, and it was such a freeing (yet foreign) experience to welcome God into our professional life! Every time I pray with a teacher, or a parent, or a student, I am reminded of this great blessing.


The most unique challenge for me has been finding the balance between grace and professionalism. I’d say they’re on opposing ends of a spectrum but aren’t entirely mutually exclusive. Take, for example, when a teacher doesn’t turn in her lesson plans on time. I have a choice to make: should I show professionalism or grace exclusively? Or a compromise of the two? 

Professionalism would say to the teacher, “You have failed to upload your lesson plans according to the agreed-upon guidelines in pg. 8 of the staff handbook. Tomorrow we will hire a substitute teacher for your class while you work in the computer lab on your next three weeks of plans. The cost of the substitute will be deducted from your next paycheck.” 

Grace, on the other hand, would respond by first asking why the lesson plans weren’t submitted, and then weighing the validity of the response (Did the teacher forget? Has she just procrastinated? Was there a family emergency?). 

Often, I find myself striking a compromise between professionalism and grace—maybe telling the teacher her excuse is valid but to just please give advanced notice next time this happens, or telling the teacher enough is enough and the next time it happens she’ll pay for her own sub. Though this is a minor example of decision-making in my position, I’ve found that decisions in “gray” situations are what make my job most challenging but, in the end, most rewarding. I love fruitful (and sometimes difficult) conversations with teachers as I coach and encourage them in their calling as educators.

A special part of my job entails teaching a Bible lesson every morning to the 60+ children in the program, and through that experience, I’m challenged to look at familiar Bible stories through a critical, Gospel-centered lens. As I prepare and teach each Bible story to the children, I first have to understand it for myself—and not just who did what in the story, but really what each story says about the character of God and our need for a Savior. 

This has pushed me to learn so much and grow spiritually. Often when I’m teaching (even something like the birth of Jesus, a story I’ve heard my entire life), I get goosebumps as the power of the story and the truth of the message comes through. It's a challenging and beautiful thing to be in a position where my spiritual wellness has a direct impact on young children and their understanding of God. This holds me accountable daily in my pursuit of the Lord. 

If you would like to be a part of this project, I would love to hear your story. Contact me for more information.

Everyday Disciple: Sandi's Story

This post is part of an on-going Everyday Disciple series. We're celebrating here what it looks like to follow Christ faithfully in the day-to-day. I am thankful to share the stories of gracious friends and readers, and I have sought to preserve and honor their voice in the post below. I invite you to join me as we listen to their experience as an "everyday disciple."

The first time I met Sandi, we made a blanket fort together in her then-boyfriend-now-husband’s childhood home. He is one of Scott’s dearest friends from high school, and that was just the first of our seemingly annual home-for-Christmas gatherings. Over the years, we’ve gotten to know each other better visit-by-visit, as we talk and laugh at the guys’ antics. The time that crew all spends together is always so precious. This year, it included an adventure to D.C. and some pretty amazing burgers. 

I have so much respect for Sandi’s heart and the compassion she pours into her work, and I’m glad to let you in on a piece of it today. 

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All throughout high school, I thought I wanted to be a nurse. After I graduated, I went on a three-month mission’s trip/internship in South Africa. On that trip, I met two social workers. They educated me on what a social worker was, and I quickly aligned with the thought of seeking social justice for people who were oppressed, marginalized and were the “least of these” in our world. 

I emailed my mom and asked her to call the college I was supposed to attend and tell them I was changing my major. I now have an undergrad in social work and am about to enter my last semester of graduate school for my masters in social work. 

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I work as the Family Services Coordinator at a Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) in Dayton, OH. My main role is forensically interviewing children (ages 3-18) who are possible victims of severe physical abuse or sexual abuse. Our center also sees youth who are at risk for human trafficking or have been identified as being trafficked. We work with law enforcement, the FBI and Homeland Security, as well as child protective agencies and the prosecutor’s office, to seek justice for victims. 

Every day, I see a lot of brokenness. Physical and sexual abuse are such broken parts of this world, but every day, I also get to see a small part of restoration. This does not always happen that particular day, but the little glimmers of hope that a child is now safe and protected remind me God is in the process of restoring brokenness. He cares about those who are lowly and oppressed. He cares about those who have been beaten, and He especially cares for children.  

My faith has inspired me to advocate and stand beside those who have been told they are not good enough or they aren’t welcome at the table. God’s love is for all people, no matter who they are, their situation, or their background. I think when we invite those who think they are uninvited, it opens a world of doors for sharing the gospel with people. While I do not get to do this explicitly in my job, I can show grace, love, and hope to people who think they do not deserve those things, and I am inspired to do that because He does that exact thing for me every day. Whether it’s other staff, or the kids and families we serve, I want them to know they are loved (and deserving of love) no matter their story.  

Some days, I get home and I cannot imagine talking to another person or having another conversation with someone. I need people in my community who understand that when I say I cannot do something, it is probably because my day was filled with a lot of trauma, and I am trying to recover from hearing about it. I need people who can join me for yoga and wine and are okay if I don’t talk at all.  

The other thing I need from my Christian community? Prayer. This is such a bible-school answer, but it is so true. I can be prideful in my work, and I need to be humbled. I cannot do what I do without the support of the Holy Spirit giving me the emotional and physical energy to do this work. Knowing that people are praying for me is encouraging.  

As I think about fellow believers who know what I do, I often hear the response “How do you do it?” or “That is so sad, I can’t imagine.” But as I look around our neighborhood and our city, it’s hard for me to grasp how they “can’t imagine”—how they don’t see the suffering and hurt right under their noses. I don’t want people to say they can’t imagine this, because it is happening…everywhere. 

I wish I could tell them—Go and meet your neighbors, learn about them, love them, and be there for them when they need someone. Know their struggles and support them. Get outside your bubble, and go love people, with honest intentions of loving them, whether they come to Jesus or not. Just love them, and let Him do the work in their hearts. God is using each of us to help restore the brokenness in this world, not just those who are doing it as their jobs. 

If you would like to be a part of this project, I would love to hear your story. Contact me for more information.

Everyday Disciple: Joshua's Story

This post is part of an on-going Everyday Disciple series. We're celebrating here what it looks like to follow Christ faithfully in the day-to-day. I am thankful to share the stories of gracious friends and readers, and I have sought to preserve and honor their voice in the post below. I invite you to join me as we listen to their experience as an "everyday disciple."

Scott and I had the privilege of working with Josh at camp. They were high school friends and spurred one another on in their passion for discipleship. I was glad when Josh contacted me to share his thoughts about how his work in a cabinet shop relates to this on-going concern for seeing disciples of Christ thrive and grow. I hope you enjoy his insight.

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When I was in high school, I was passionate about discipleship. Following Christ meant far more than being a part of weekly youth group. It meant finding ways to serve, to study and meditate the way of Christ, and to encourage others in that same path. 

When discipleship is a passion of yours, and you strongly desire to see others follow Christ, the stereotypical conclusion is that you should pursue ministry. Following conventional wisdom, I went to college with plans to be a youth pastor or potentially an associate pastor.

Over those years of schooling, I worked a fulltime ministry job for a year and got married, all while continuing to grow in my own personal walk with Christ and in what it looks like to follow Him. Our little family began to grow, and I began to prioritize time for my family. In a very real sense family is a significant ministry, a kind of intensive discipleship, and I wanted to make sure I was not absent from that.

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At first glance, it might not seem to make a lot of sense, why a college graduate with a Bible degree is working in cabinet shop, though the story about how I got there is relatively simple. I wanted a job close to home, with reasonable hours. I have always enjoyed creating and had recently begun a few woodworking projects. So, I stopped in at a cabinet shop a mile or two down the road and started working there shortly thereafter.

Some have said working with wood is a meditative experience. When sanding, finishing, or building, there are ample opportunities to, as Brother Lawrence writes about, “practice the presence of God.” To experience Christ in your work, as you shape the wood, by meditating on who He is, or on what you have been learning or studying recently. In the Gospels, we read that Jesus was a carpenter before He started His ministry, the son of a carpenter. There is something wholesome in creating, in crafting with your hands. In small ways we follow in the footsteps of our Creator when we use our God-given creativity.

When you work with wood, especially with fine trim carpentry or cabinetry, a lot of time is spent on the finishing process—the sanding, staining, etc. While this kind of work requires a lot of attention to detail, it is not a brain-intensive job, which frees my mind to meditate and pray. Recently God has really placed on my heart a burden for the Syrian refugees. So, as I sand doors or cabinets, I pray and meditate on it, seeking the Lord’s face on behalf of these downtrodden people and asking how I can help. 

While this is good, however, what about my hopes of making disciples? What about that passion I had before? Were those four years of schooling a waste? Shouldn’t I be putting my degree to work?

For some, your passion and purpose in regards to seeking to be and make disciples plays directly into your work. However, I view work differently.

While there is something to be said for the sacredness of working with your hands to bring glory to God, for me, I work with my hands to free myself to do discipleship outside of work. We see Paul’s example through the book of Acts as a tentmaker—he had a simple trade profession he used to support himself while he discipled and taught. For me, I view my work, enjoyable and grace-filled as it is, in the same way. I work to, simply, provide for my family, so we are not a burden as I seek to make disciples and to teach.

We are a part of a small church that believes strongly in the priesthood of the believer as described by the writer of the book of Hebrews. The reality is this, when it comes to the Church: Everyone has a part to play. In Ephesians 4, Paul writes about the gifts that Christ has given to the church—apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, teachers. These gifts present in the body of believers ought to be exercised.

While my Bible training has little influence in my work on a professional level (though I would argue, that the time spent studying and learning has been valuable and has informed my thoughts and beliefs), it does not go to waste. I share in the responsibility of preaching/teaching at our small church, along with several others. In a real sense, one could describe my work and life as that of a “tent-making” missionary, which I would argue is a description that might well apply to each of us. 

One does not need to go into ministry to minister. One does not need to be a pastor to preach.  God has equipped His people to do the work of His kingdom. In light of this view, then, my work is not an end to itself, but simply a means of support for my family, as I seek to be faithful to the gifts He has given me. As a disciple of Christ, learning to abide in Him, my work is an exercise in grace, and in meditation. Though I view my work in more utilitarian terms, there is still a richness there that cannot be denied. In little ways throughout our days, we are to walk the path of discipleship. Every experience and task can be used to the glory of God. We need to be faithful to the gifts God has given us.

If you would like to be a part of this project, I would love to hear your story. Contact me for more information.

Everyday Disciple: Emily's Story

This post is part of an on-going Everyday Disciple series. We're celebrating here what it looks like to follow Christ faithfully in the day-to-day. I am thankful to share the stories of gracious friends and readers, and I have sought to preserve and honor their voice in the post below. I invite you to join me as we listen to their experience as an "everyday disciple."

I was so excited when Emily first emailed me to share about her experience working as a civil engineer in construction. It’s a world I’m definitely unfamiliar with, and I was delighted to hear her stories. I hope her enthusiasm about her work and the ways God is at work in it bring your heart as much joy as it has brought mine. 

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I wish you could see the beauty in construction. Yes, the same noisy, annoying, dirty, nuisance-on-your-way-to-work construction. I wish you could see the beauty in the act of creating something that has, up to that point, only been imagined by other human beings. Or of the circus act of moving parts and personalities working towards a common goal. Of the countless numbers of people who have touched a building along a processing line, operating trucks across the country, or eventually installing it in the field with their own hands. I wish you could see, behind the test of patience, the beautiful story of creation and growth and relationships behind each construction project.

At first, I didn’t think I had the personality for the construction industry. But God led me to this career, and in spite of my hesitation, since I took my job in construction project management, I have discovered what God already knew, that this was the perfect job for me. 

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I love that each project I work on is completely unique and requires a team effort and accountability. My job requires constant problem solving, and I can see the physical results of the planning efforts of my team. To start with a blank piece of land and end with a brand-new structure that will be enjoyed by others is very fulfilling to me.

I have learned that good construction work (as with many other industries) is all about sustaining good relationships between all individuals involved in the process. In construction, there are many different parties with many different interests: architects, engineers, owners (clients), end users, subcontractors, inspectors, and the individual workers in the field. My unique job as a Construction Manager is to serve as a mediator and conduit of information between all these different groups. Knowing God, and therefore knowing how I should act as a Christian, helps me to approach each meeting without preconceived judgements or only my own agenda, and implores me to treat each person respectfully and fairly. I have many opportunities to model right relationships, just by showing up to work and doing my job.  

In tenuous and stressful situations (where time and money are on the line) there is always a temptation to make quick decisions or take the easy way out, cutting corners. This often has fatal consequences if done during the construction process (whether it is risking the safety of workers, or the ultimate performance of the structure). Christianity calls me to be truthful in all my dealings and strengthens me to honor God in these circumstances by acting with integrity.

When I read the first post in this series, I thought of how God uniquely placed me, with my particular industry skillset, in the church that I am currently attending. I’ve struggled to know where my gifts and passions fit into the Body. When I first joined the church about four years ago, I was not aware of the Building Committee’s Master Plan process.  When it was revealed to the congregation, I felt as if my heart would burst out of my chest at the thought of possibly being involved in the construction of this grand plan.  

Looking back, God was carving a path through specific experiences I had had during the first few years at my company to ultimately allow me to serve on the church’s "Building Committee." One by one, the pieces aligned, and I eventually was asked to join the Building Committee with just enough construction experience under my belt to be helpful. We are now in the construction phase of the new parking lot around our current church and despite the fact that this might sound boring to most people, it is such an honor to be part of this process. I have never felt more fulfilled in my work than knowing I can simply be used in this way as a member of the church body for the glory of God’s kingdom.

Our church’s motto is to “know Christ and make Him known,” and this can be done anywhere. I can do this while using my “ever day job” skills for His glory while serving my church through its building projects. And I can do this as I am a presence for God’s Body and represent the church in the construction field. You never know how God will use your passions for His glory.

If you would like to be a part of this project, I would love to hear your story. Contact me for more information.