Waiting Without (On the Mudroom)

“When I wait for God to act in answer to my prayers, when I wait for him to break into my season of pain and unmet longing, I am given no guarantee he will act in the way I desire. The guarantees I am given and the divine promises I must rest on are of a different sort entirely.”

Advent is a season of waiting. It’s a season to embrace the tension of the “already” and “not-yet” reality. It’s a season for lingering questions and for aching hearts.

As I wrote this post for the Mudroom blog, I thought of the generations of people who waited for the Messiah to come. Were they like me, I wonder? Did they too struggle with the wait? Did they struggle as they saw God delay to act in the way they desired?

They too faced a long wait. And they too had no other anchor than God’s promises.

I’m over at the Mudroom reflecting on these promises - and on how bad I am at waiting. Head on over there to read “Waiting Without.”
